Llano Estacado


Llano Estacado, meaning staked plain in Spanish, is a region bound on the west by the New Mexico state line, to the south by the Edwards Plateau, to the north by the Texas High Plains and to the east by the Caprock Escarpment, which separates it from the North Central Plains region. Aside from the dynamic hub of Lubbock, it is largely a cotton-producing region. The area is extraordinarily flat; travelers often experience miles of monotonous landscape flat as a tabletop and unbroken save for the occasional pumpjack or windmill. There is an abundance of cotton farms and the occasional cattle ranch, otherwise the South Plains remains largely unmolested and undeveloped grasslands. The people of the South Plains are generally laid-back, slow talking, slow to anger and quick to lend a hand. They are, however, also quick to defend their sense of identity and self-reliance. It is not advised to make light of what an outsider might perceive as "quirkiness".